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MBC Association

Maritime Trades Career Day

The goals of the project are to expose 10-12th grade students from Monroe High School, enrolled in technical education courses (auto mechanics, welding) to representatives of maritime-related careers known to have supply and demand gaps (boat captains, diesel service technicians and mechanics, and small engine mechanics) and how the environmental and economic health of Lake Erie and its surroundings affect and are affected by these careers.

Objectives measured to evaluate effectiveness and environmental impact of the project:

  1. An awareness of various types of professions and careers related to maritime trades and their required competencies, duties, and attitudes (encouraging students to stay in school and go on to post-secondary training or apprenticeships in maritime jobs.
  2. The importance of clean water and protecting our best environmental asset (Lake Erie) for sustainability and for continuous attraction of new businesses and skilled human resources.
  3. The importance of proper treatment of wastewater, gas, oil, etc. on the lake and how those who work in maritime careers have a love of the marine environment, a respect for the way the lake exists, and a sense of curiosity in the way our natural resources and economy work together for sustainability.

CONTACT:  Return to MBC website

T:  734.243.8935 


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